Saturday, 9 June 2012

Growing veggies

As the weather warmed up, I was pulled into the garden by some invisible veggie-magnet. I'd spent dark winter evenings planning what to plant where, and from April onwards I've been creating a real 'potager' based on my plan, but somehow it never quite turns out how I expected. The plan has all the planting so far marked in coloured pencil.

And here are a few pics of the plants themselves:

A red pepper and aubergine between salad leaves

Courgette and squash

Borlotti beans, french beans, mangetout peas and broad beans
So far I've learned that there just isn't the space to grow everything, and that it's better to have a larger amount of plants all growing at the same time, to get a single meal's worth of a crop at once (other than salad leaves etc), rather than lots of smaller amounts of different things, or successional sowings, both of which I'd prepared on my plan.  I'm learning as I go....Soon I'll have to start another plan for next winter/spring.....