Thursday, 10 October 2013

Painting at Ray's - September sunshine

This year's painting week with Ray Atkins was during a sunny week in early September. I managed 4 paintings, not all of them finished.....

Firstly, our brief was to find something colourful and start with that colour on the canvas, then completing  the painting with the surrounding colours. This is my work, which took a good couple of days to finish:

Then the sun was too strong to be anywhere other than in the I looked out passed the rose arbour to the hillside beyond, but kept struggling with the placement of the different objects in first of all I went back over the ground and covered it in a mid greenish grey and tried again.....but again things seemed to jump around, so I gave up painting and scratched the position of the main components. The following morning, this is how the painting appeared, and I really liked the combination of slightly misty colours with the roughly drawn lines...I couldn't bear to touch it, because I knew I'd lose that air of mystery, so here it is:

Next came the hydrangeas - in the deepest shade, so their pale flowers seemed to glow. I liked the pattern of the leaves - large, green leaves that overlapped each other in pairs, with pale green stalks, and the tiny flowers that flopped over the edge of the flower centre.

And lastly, a quick study of just two Hydrangea flowerheads